3 Important Conversations to Have with Your Aging Parents as Soon as Possible

Do you and your aging parents get together often for visits with the grandchildren and to just enjoy each other and reminisce? As you discuss the past and your childhood with your parents, do you find that your parents have always been there for you with support and guidance? Now that your parents are getting older, are you doing enough to support them?
As you watch your parents deal with the aging process, are you realizing that it is not easy? Are you looking for ways to support them? From emerging mobility and physical challenges to changing health care or financial providers and aging in place issues, the circumstances your parents and you face may, at times, feel insurmountable.
However, when you look to the future for your aging parents, are you looking for the best way to support them? We would like to share 3 important conversations we recommend you have with your aging parents as soon as possible.
1. Have your parents considered aging in place? Aging in place is a relatively new term. It describes the concept of aging adults being able to stay in their own home longer and avoid skilled institutional care. This would be an important conversation to have with your aging parents as soon as possible. What do they think about aging in place? Would they want to consider it? In fact, do they have a plan in place? If your parents are interested in aging in place then proactive planning is critical. Encourage your parents to meet with an experienced Florida estate planning and elder law attorney to address this issue.
2. Do your parents have an estate plan? You may find this an amazing fact, but right now less than half of all Americans have an estate plan. So, you need to be sure your parents have an estate plan. Share with your parents that you do not want them in a vulnerable position of not being protected against probate or at risk of not having a healthcare decision maker in times of crisis. In addition, we highly recommend that your parents update their estate plan annually to ensure that it reflects their current wishes for both their legacy and their decision makers.
3. Do your parents have a relationship with a Florida estate planning and elder law attorney? It is important that your aging parents have the representation that will come from working with an experienced Florida estate planning and elder law attorney. He can take action to ensure that both their lifetime and end of life decisions can be met. It is critical that right now your parents take the step of meeting with and planning with a Florida estate planning and elder law attorney. If possible, and with respect for their privacy, ask your parents if you may know their decisions in their estate planning process so that you will have a full understanding of their wishes.
We know this article may bring up more questions than it answers. Helping your aging parents address issues like this will both help you care for them and ensure everyone is working toward the same goal together.
When your family or financial health is on the line, trust attorney Paul Riffel to help you protect your interests and achieve your goals. Attorney Paul Riffel has been practicing law in Florida for over 39 years, focusing in the areas of Tampa estate planning and family law. We encourage you to contact us and schedule a meeting with us.