Author Archives: Site Administrator
Child support and alimony payments
There are three ways in which you can pay child support or alimony to an ex-spouse. First, you can make a direct payment to your ex-spouse. The benefits for this method are that it gets the money quickly from one spouse to the other and there are no fees associated with this transfer. Many… Read More »
Ebony Wilkerson and why guardianships can be helpful
Ebony Wilkerson was put under mental evaluation for driving herself and three children into the ocean. Many of us watched the video of this which took place on Daytona Beach, Florida. Wilkerson’s sister claimed Ebony had been talking about demons hours before the incident. The sister called the police who spoke to Ebony but… Read More »
Distracted driving
Many states now have laws against texting and driving, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that every day more than nine people die from distracted driving. If you think you will not get caught, think again. In the case of a serious car accident, police… Read More »
The importance of having a will
It is so important that you have a properly drafted will in place. Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, passed away Dec. 5. He had a will that will divide up his estate, which has an estimated value of $4.1 million, excluding royalties. A family trust was also set up to provide for… Read More »
Politics & the law
Can politics trump the law? Amanda Knox was once again convicted — in Italy — of murdering her roommate. Once the case is appealed and if upheld, will she be extradited? If the law is followed, Knox, will be extradited to Italy, as we have an extradition treaty with that country. But in this… Read More »
Planning during tough times
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness, it makes sense to keep in close contact with a doctor. But what about your attorney? While it may not be the most pressing issue, a little bit of planning can save you and your family a lot of headache. There are… Read More »
Be careful with your car
Many parents have their names on their child’s automobile. This is required if the child is under 18 because minors cannot own property. This may also be the case if the car is financed. However, if the child 18 and there is no debt on the automobile, it is always a good idea to… Read More »
Loan modifications
One of the biggest complaints in attempting to modify your mortgage is the paperwork. Horror stories are everywhere! Currently if your loan is owned or guaranteed by Fannie or Freddie and you are 90 days or more past due, you can be offered a loan modification without all of the paperwork. This new program… Read More »
Three day right of recission
Recently, someone called me with buyer’s remorse after purchasing a vehicle. They were under the impression that there was a three day right of recission on this purchase, meaning that the vehicle could be returned within three days of purchase. This is not the case. This rule only applies if a lien will be… Read More »