Four Tips To Help Your Children Cope With Divorce

Divorce may never be easy. Are you going through a divorce and do you have children? If so, you may be wondering how you can help ensure that your children cope with the divorce in the best way possible. While you may not be able to control the feelings or reactions of your children, let us take a look at four tips that you can employ to assist your children with the transition.
1. Communicate about the divorce thoughtfully. You should try to communicate the fact of the divorce, and the impact it may have on your child’s life, thoughtfully, simply, and appropriately. Some children may have a lot of questions when they learn that their parents are getting divorced. They may want to know where they will live, what their schedule will be, and whether they will have to switch schools or homes. Be prepared for these questions, even if you may not have answers, so that your children know that you understand the impact the divorce may have on them.
2. Exclude the children from conflict. Try not to bring your children into the conflict. Placing blame or speaking negatively about the other parent, or looking to your children for support can be too great of a burden to put on their small shoulders. They will already likely be coping in their own way with the divorce and you may not want to add any stress or anxiety.
3. Minimize disruption. Try to keep the transitions as non disruptive as possible. Having consistent routines and predictability will help your children adjust to the various changes.
4. Consider therapy. Even if your children appear to be coping with the news of divorce just fine, you still may want to consider therapy. Your children may benefit from having their own therapist so that they have a neutral party to confide in.
Our firm is committed to helping families successfully navigate the divorce process and to set them up for a thriving post-divorce life. Please reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.