Showing Your Family You Love Them through Estate Planning

Do you have a Florida estate plan? Whether you are a single adult or married with children or young or old, you need an estate plan. As you look around and see signs of Valentine’s Day this would be the perfect Valentine’s Day gift to your family, your completed and signed Florida estate plan.
Start by working with a qualified and experienced Florida estate planning attorney. You and your attorney will create a thoughtful and comprehensive estate plan that will let your family know your wishes for any situation in the future. In addition, in the event of your passing, your family will not have to go through lengthy court procedures, challenges with creditors or be without an advocate when you are no longer here. Even though it may be stressful to think about life after your death, your estate planning is critical to be sure that the sorrow your loved ones feel is not increased by a crisis from lack of planning that could have been avoided. Below are some suggestions for you to consider as you think about and create your estate plan.
Give your family a solid future. Take steps now to limit the reach of creditors to your estate, maximize your assets and set guidelines to make sure your spouse is provided for in your absence and your children have the opportunity for a good future.
Lessen any potential conflict within your family. Making decisions and selecting decision makers now will definitely limit any chances of arguing. This will, instead, allow your loved ones time to focus on dealing with their grief instead of wasting time fighting over what your wishes might have been.
Provide clarity. Your estate planning will take the burden of responsibility off the shoulders of your family by you making the tough choices now. It will be very difficult for your family members to make well-reasoned decisions during difficult emotional times
No stress planning. Not only does your family benefit from your estate planning, you do as well. By choosing trusted agents now for financial and health decisions in case of your incapacity and making decisions now in regard to end of life, you relieve your stress (and that of family and friends) by alleviating any uncertainty that can come with whatever crisis arises. Most importantly, once your plan is in place you know that all of your end of life decisions are your own and not someone else’s.
Your estate planning is your gift of love to your family. Knowing you have taken care of everything from health care decision making and finances to taxes and wealth transfer strategies, will mean everything to your family when the planning you have put in place needs to be implemented. Giving them peace of mind when it matters most is one of the best ways to say “I love you” to your family.
We know this article may raise more questions than it answers. When your family or financial health is on the line, trust attorney Paul Riffel to help you protect your interests and achieve your goals. Attorney Paul Riffel has been practicing law in Florida for over 41 years, focusing in the areas of Tampa estate planning and family law. We encourage you to contact us and schedule a meeting with us.