The Importance of a Living Will And How You Can Get One For Free

Sometimes, a loved one reaches a point of incapacitation in a terminal, end-stage condition. Unable to communicate critical health care decisions for himself or herself, family and friends may be left to guess at what he or she would have wanted. Have you heard of a living will? A living will gives you the opportunity to memorialize important healthcare preferences. More specifically, a living will memorializes a person’s wishes regarding what medical treatment should or should not be administered at an end of life stage.
Hospitals and doctors are tasked with sustaining life, no matter what. This means the terminally ill will be kept on life support regardless of the pain they may be in or how dire the circumstances may be. With a living will, a person can take charge of his or her final days and dictate what should be done and what should not be done, in terms of healthcare, in the event of a terminal illness.
In terms of end of life care, a living will can bring you and your loved ones peace of mind. Get control over an otherwise unknown future by putting this important legal document in place as soon as possible. Knowing the full value of a living will, Attorney Paul Riffel offers them for free. All you have to do is go to his website and download the living will form. A living will does not need to be notarized, so all you have to do is download the document, print it, and sign it before two witnesses.
With online access to a free living will, there can be no reason to further delay putting this legal protection in place. Should you have any questions regarding living wills or other important estate planning documents, Attorney Riffel is here to provide you with the answers you need. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.